Friday, 11 June 2010

Caramel, Hazelnut and Chocolate Chip Bundt Cake

with chocolate granola 'streusel' topping.

I searched for ages for a good basic recipe for a caramel cake, preferably using Dulce de Leche, but nothing seemed to match up to my memory of this recipe from Dan Lepard. The original recipe was simple to follow and made a light, well-flavoured cake.

This time I wanted to use the cake batter to make a bundt cake rather than two layers to be sandwiched together. I used already ground untoasted hazelnuts rather than toasting whole nuts and grinding them myself. I also added 100g plain chocolate chips to the batter. Before spooning the batter into the prepared bundt tin I sprinkled 75g of Dorset Cereal Chocolate Granola in an even layer around the base. (Still looking for ways to use this cereal!). The cake took about 45 minutes to bake at 180C. I cooled the cake for 15 minutes in the tin before easing it away from the edges and turning it out onto a wire rack to finish cooling.

I finished the cake with a drizzle of caramel glaze made by mixing 4 tablespoons each of icing sugar and Dulce de Leche, and a little water. I was a bit heavy handed with the water, and had used the last of my icing sugar, so the glaze was a little thinner than I had intended.

This cake had a lovely flavour, a subtle blend of chocolate, caramel and hazelnuts. The granola topping did not show up as well as I'd hoped, as the brand of Dulce de Leche I used gave the cake quite a dark colour, but it was evident as a different texture and flavour when eating the cake.


  1. This looks and sounds divine Suelle - I adore bundt cakes. Super recipe - I like the inclusion of the cereal.

  2. Your bundt cakes always look so sophisticated, I'm now thinking maybe I should give in and buy a tin. This one looks particularly yummy and I will have to try it. Well done for thinking how to use the cereal. I've rather drawn a blank on how to use it in baking.

  3. Thanks, Lucie and Choclette. Although the idea of the cereal worked well, I'd have liked it to look more conspicuous, so will have to try it with a paler cake.

  4. Oh wow, I thought what recipe is that and it's that one! You have transformed the way it looks, that's brilliant Suelle. I want some now. (she said shamelessly) That was one of the first of Dan's cakes I ever made and I love it. Did using untoasted nuts make a significant difference do you think?

  5. Thank you thank you! I have one jar left of DDL and been looking for something to do with it! :)

  6. I saw your post on Dan's forum, Zeb. I'm sure toasted nuts would make a difference to the flavour, and if I were starting with whole nuts I probably would make the effort and toast them. I happened to have a pack of ready ground hazelnuts to use.

  7. Celia - Dan Lepard's original recipe is well worth trying. (Not that I want to stop you making it with my adaptations, if that's what you'd prefer. ;))

  8. I love the new look blog :)

    PS I don't know why sometimes my comments come out as from Joanna and sometimes Zebbakes. But you know it's me don't you?

  9. Thanks, Joanna. I like the new look, but may play around with it a bit more. I did know you are both Zeb and Joanna - I thought perhaps you were trying to decide on an identity!;)

  10. Many thanks for the inspiration for this one - I've had a jar of Bonne Maman caramel for a while that needed using. I subbed semolina which wasn't the best idea I've ever had, but I think I'll try it again at some point.

    I do like the new theme!
