Thursday, 25 November 2010

Maple, Pecan and Cranberry Cookies

Happy Thankgiving to anyone celebrating this holiday. These cookies have what I consider to be some of this season's flavours from the USA - maple, pecan nuts and dried cranberries, so could be considered my virtual contribution to the feasting.

This is another version of the cookie from this Dan Lepard recipe. I used 100g of each of chopped pecans and dried cranberries, and left out the chocolate altogether. For the maple flavouring I replaced 60g of the sugar with the same amount of dried maple syrup flakes which I brought back from my holiday in Canada, and I used two teaspoons of maple syrup instead of almond essence.

Changing the sugar seemed to alter the texture a bit, or perhaps it was removing the chocolate, because these cookies didn't spread much and reamained almost exactly the shape which I put into the oven. If I'd known that I would have flattened them a bit more before baking. Being thicker, they took about 5 minutes longer to cook through. Although they were too thick, they were well flavoured, but a little dry without the chocolate melting in the mouth. Perhaps a change, or two, too far!


  1. Oh they do sound lush! Reckon they'll be good little gifts for Christmas too ;0)

  2. Flavour combo sounds great even if they didn't turn out as perfectly as you were expecting! I bet there weren't any problems eating them up either - does the CT like them?

  3. The CT is eating them, C - but I know he'd prefer something with chocolate! I have to broaden his horizons, so he has to put up with chocolate-less goodies occasionally.
