Sunday, 5 December 2010

Marmalade and Poppy Seed Cake

This cake, which was made following this recipe for Bitter Orange & Poppy Seed Cake, was a disaster on so many levels!  It just shows that even a trusted source of recipes gives an occasional dud!

So what went wrong? Althought the cake rose well during baking, and a probe test came out clean, the cake sank dramatically as it cooled - that was an ominous start. When I took it out of the baking pan it had dropped so much that the sides were beginning to cave inwards. When I cut it, there was a really dense stodgy layer at the bottom - it would have been impossible to  notice this with the usual probe test for being properly cooked., my online bible, says the reason for this could be too much liquid or too many eggs - so a basic fault in the recipe.

The final problem was that the cake tasted of nothing in particular - it wasn't sweet enough and I couldn't taste the orange zest or the marmalade (I used a good quality marmalade, but a 'three fruit' flavour rather than orange, so perhaps that's my fault - an orange marmalade might have built up the orange flavour more). The poppy seed flavour wasn't very noticeable either, although they added their characteristic grittiness to the texture.

This cake will get eaten, as I can't abide waste - I think if it's warmed through in the microwave and served with some natural yogurt it might make a passable pudding - but I won't be trying the recipe again!


  1. Just between you and me I actually like my cakes on the stodgy side and (in my younger days!) I used to under cook my chocolate cake just to get this effect. I'd gobble your cake up no problem at all ;0)

  2. What a pity, I hate it when that happens. I think I made this cake years ago (pre blogging) and although it didn't sink when I cut into it, the texture of the cake was really wet. I can't think of a better way of describing it, but it was extremely unattractive. I think other people ate it but I hate my cake wet like that so I didn't.

    In fact, it was this recipe that put me off baking with yogurt (and I think it was probably Dan's stone fruit yogurt cake that made me realise that this is a dud recipe). Most people seem to really rate it in the comments, but as I say, mine was rubbish. A lot of Jane Hornby's recipes seem to have a high proportion of yogurt in them, and it has put me off trying other recipes of hers.

    Not a very helpful comment I suppose, but wanted to let you know that you aren't the only one who has had problems with the recipe!

  3. Chele - you'd be welcome to it, too!;)

    C - very useful comments, thanks. I haven't knowingly used any other recipes by Jane Hornby, but will look out for them, with suspicion, now!

  4. i love poppy seed cakes... this one sounds really yummy.. thanks for sharing it. have a nice day.
