Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Chocolate Brownie Cookies

This looks like a simple recipe for chocolate brownie cookies. It comes from the book and TV series Economy Gastronomy, by Allegra McEvedy and Paul Merrett, although I can't see any economy in a recipe using 250g chocolate at the current prices for chocolate! The series was meant to show families with huge weekly food bills that cooking more from scratch, and planned use of the leftovers, would save them money, but I can't imagine that these cookies were cheaper than buying a packet off the supermarket shelf.

The recipe wasn't as simple as it looked though - my cookie batter was very thin and produced cookies which were very flat. FB recommended the recipe and said that her cookies were double the thickness of mine, when she made them. I may have not let the chocolate and butter mix cool for long enough.  I thought I had followed the recipe exactly, apart from using plain chocolate instead of white, and toasted hazelnuts instead of macadamias (another extravagance!), but too hot chocolate is the only reason I can think of for  my limited success. I also used too much batter for each cookie, as I didn't get 20 biscuits out of the batch, only 15.

Is it possible for something to be too chocolatey? I wouldn't have thought so, but that's what I felt about these cookies! They were light and insubstantial and tasted of nothing but too sweet chocolate. Perhaps if I'd made thicker cookies the texture might have been different and I'd have liked them more.


  1. strange... don't you hate it when something that should be so simple comes out so odd... they look nice... shame... oh well, you'll just have to do em again!

  2. Isn't the price of chocolate crazy!!! I thought it was just me being a tadwad. Great looking cookies though and I would imagine they are well worth the 250g of chocolate which must make them sooooooo chocolatey yum!

  3. Dom, you're right. I must try them again in an effort to sort this out. It's particularly galling as FB is a novice baker!

  4. Even though 250g of chocolate aint cheap I cant resist something with that much coccie

  5. It's a shame when something doesn't turn out how you're expecting - I sometimes shy away from expensive recipes simply because I'm not sure if I can trust the author or bear the disappointment if they aren't good.

    Annoying too that FB's seem to be better - that's just not fair in the scheme of things!
