Tuesday, 31 May 2011


I'm having trouble staying logged in to Blogger - even on my own Blog. This means I can't easily post comments on all the delicious food I'm reading about on the Blogs on my reading list. Sometimes I can post if  there are facilities for leaving just a name to the comment, but this isn't always the case. So apologies to you all; I just wanted you to know that I'm not ignoring you! Hopefully someone at Blogger will realise there's a problem (if it's happening to others too) soon, and sort it out!

Thanks to C for trying to help, but I only have one web browser, and I'm not on IE9 yet!


  1. I'm having the same problem, as are some other Blogger people. I hope they fix it soon!

  2. How annoying for you, Suelle! Hope it's sorted soon...
