Thursday, 21 July 2011

Blog Comments

I'm still having problems with making comments on other people's blogs. I can only leave comments on Blogger blogs if the comment box is in a separate pop-up window, not if it's embedded within the blog. So if you have a blog on my reading list, and I haven't commented recently, that may be the reason why. I'm still reading them all!

In particular I wanted to say how much I've enjoyed Kate's (from Kate's Cakes and Bakes) French Baking Month. We've had lots of holidays in France, but not the sort where I've spent time baking - this makes me wish I had!

I don't imagine I'm the only one having problems, so if any of you have noticed that the volume of  responses to your posts has fallen off, you might consider changing to a pop-up window for comments!


  1. Suelle, hope they get it sorted soon, I'm sure people are missing you! :)

  2. I'm having the same issue Hun. Annoying doesn't even begin to cover it. I'm currently weighing up the pro's and con's of different blog hosting sites becasue I am so fed up with blogger (grrrrrrrrrr!)

  3. I'm having similar issues too and other little glitches. Very annoying. I've already rebuilt and transferred my blog in wordpress, just waiting for a few design tweaks. Anyway, keep on blogging!

  4. Thanks for the tip. I've changed my blog to pop-up comments. I hate the thought that something doesn't work the way it should on the blog - people might blame me!

  5. I had that problem for about a year with firefox at home - but not with firefox at work, or IE at home. Now I am on Chrome and I don't have the problem either. I think it has something to do with the security configuration on your computer, but I couldn't tell you what!

  6. I'm having problems too. Can't post comments on several of my favourite blogs. Frustrating!

  7. Suelle, I'm sorry, I was away last week and I hadn't noticed that you'd ever so kindly said how much you'd enjoyed French Baking Month- I'm bowled over that you've mentioned it in your blog, many, many thank yous!

  8. Kate - you're welcome! I would have liked to leave a comment on your blog, but this had to do instead!

  9. Speaking from another blog platform, the pop ups definitely work better for me. I find that I have to repeat publish/send several times to my blog friends with blogger blogs and some of you have such long complicated captcha phrases, it's tempting to give up, but I will keep trying!

  10. Can I ask you if blogger has a search button option that you can add to your blog. I popped over today both to say hi and to see if you had ever made one of those zucchini cakes that I could compare a recipe I am thinking of making this afternoon. I am staring at this recipe and thinking Suelle would know if this was really sweet or if it would work...

  11. I'll investigate adding a search button, but in the meantime the search function at the top of the page (the white box on the extreme left) seems to work just as well.

    In answer - I haven't made a courgette cake which was successful enough to write about!
