Thursday, 17 May 2012

Marzipan, White Chocolate and Red Berry Cake

It seems a long time since I last wrote a blog post. I have been baking, but nothing new - things are a little hectic at the moment, and I haven't had time to look for new recipes, or even bake anything more complicated than easy one-bowl recipes which cook quickly, such as these brownies.

This cake is one such simple bake, although it takes a little longer than brownies to bake. The basic recipe, a Lighter Lemon Drizzle Cake, from Good Food is proving very versatile and open to adaptation.

This time I left out the lemon in the cake and omitted the the soaking syrup altogether, and added 50g each of chopped white marzipan, white chocolate and a red berry mix (cherries, cranberries, strawberries and blueberries), which was roughly chopped to avoid large pieces of fruit.

The result was a delicately flavoured cake, with the marzipan and the fruit being the highlight flavours, and the white chocolate giving a hint of vanilla. The ground almonds and polenta give a firm, moist texture.


  1. I'm not a fan of marzipan but I love the addition of ground almonds and polenta. I just bought a bag of polenta and have been experimenting with it. I love how creative you are with your recipes!

  2. That does sound good! I do love an adaptable base recipe.

  3. I like the sound of the red fruit mix - red fruits and white chocolate always seem to be a good combination.

  4. It looks very pretty, Suelle! I've never added polenta to a cake before! :) Hope things settle down a bit - we're pretty chaotic here too, so I empathise! :)

  5. I love marzipan and this look delicious!!

  6. I like the combination of flavours in the cake -berries and white chocolate and marzipan. A great idea Suelle.

  7. Ooh yes, you've got me on the marzipan and white chocolate come to that. Really like the use of polenta too. Another very lovely looking cake Suelle.

    Hope things calm down for you soon.
