Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Rhubarb and Ginger Cake

Not a pretty cake, especially when the batter overflows the cake tin, but a very tasty one. The combination of warming ginger with fresh fruit helps bridge the gap between the rich flavours of winter and the lighter summer flavours. The availability of early season rhubarb from my garden is one of my culinary joys of spring, too!

Even though I used the same sized tin as stipulated in the recipe, it was almost full of cake batter. I reasoned that ginger cakes don't always rise a great deal, and Good Food recipes are usually reliable, so everything would be OK! The cake didn't rise a lot, but it rose quickly, while still liquid, so a little spilled over the sides, before setting to give a curious looking overhang! That's the problem with loaf tins - stipulating the length and breadth doesn't help if your tin is much shallower than the one used in the recipe. It would be much more reliable to go by a volume measurement!

Ginger and rhubarb is one of the classic flavour pairings and works quite well this way, although the flavour of the ginger together with treacle is very strong and almost overwhelms the rhubarb.

This was a very useful cake - it kept well and was equally good eaten as a cake or warmed as a dessert and served with more cooked rhubarb and vanilla pouring yogurt.


  1. not pretty but I imagine very tasty... just like some of us really!

  2. Ginger and rhubarb is one of my favourite flavour combinations. Not had it in a sticky ginger cake before, sounds fabulous

  3. It looks good; I love rhubarb, and the combination with ginger is a great one.

  4. I've wondered about the flavours of that recipe before - glad to hear it was good. Perhaps I'll add it to the long list of things to make.
