Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Au Revoir!

No cooking, baking or blog posts for a while - it's holiday time! Tomorrow, Hubs and I are off to the Canadian East coast for a tour of the Nova Scotia area followed by a few days in Montreal.

I've left my mother and the Chief Tester in charge of the garden - he waters and she harvests and eats the vegetables. It's the first time we've left the garden at the height of the harvest, and CT is no great vegetable lover!

We return on 6th August. Meanwhile keep an eye on  the blog Deb Cooks; a few days ago Deb interviewed me for her series of interviews with fellow food bloggers, and hopes to publish the results soon!


  1. Have a lovely holiday! I hope you see lots of whales.

  2. Bon Voyage eh!

  3. Bye Sue, have a really fab time. I'll look forward to hearing all about it when you get back.

    Don't forget to take loads of photos too.

  4. Wishing you a safe and wonderful trip :)
