Friday, 6 August 2010

I'm Back!

We had a great holiday, although the scenery of Nova Scotia is not as exciting as I'd expected. We couldn't see anything for the trees at the roadside for most of the time! The tour guide had us on moose lookout, but I think that was only a way of trying to make the journeys from place to place more interesting.

As a true foodie, eating was a large part of the holiday. We tackled a whole lobster for the first time ever, in Nova Scotia, and found the best Thai restaurant we've ever eaten in, in Montreal. Hubs had lots of dishes with scallops and mussels, which I can't eat, and we both had a lot of good fish dishes (including sweet and sour fish at the aforementioned Thai restaurant). We also ate in one of the Canadian Chinese restaurants which, I discovered later  in a newspaper article, are iconic remnants of a bygone age which are now dying out.

Foodie items found their way into my suitcase too - butterscotch chips, tins of maple syrup and maple sugar could perhaps be easily explained, but I also bought a neat salt pot and two jars of chili powder (ancho and chipotle) which aren't easily available here. Unfortunately I couldn't persuade Hubs that I needed a cookie scoop - he thought the ratchet design of the model I found looked too flimsy!

I'll be back to baking soon, so keep a lookout for new posts.


  1. Really glad to hear you had such a good time and enjoyed the foodie side of your adventure!

    I look forward to seeing more of your inspirational baking (having already borrowed lots of your ideas!!!) and any holiday pics too.

  2. Welcome back! Can't wait to see what you do with all those new ingredients, Suelle! :)

  3. Welcome back Sue!

    Did you get a chance to sample Montreal bagels while you were away amongst all the other great food that you can get in Canada?

  4. Thanks for the welcome back, folks - nice to know I was missed! :-)

    Joanna - I didn't get to sample a Montreal bagel, but I did try the infamous 'viande fumé' sandwich, on the advice of a fellow traveller.

  5. Welcome back. The holiday is over for your kitchen too ... back to work for it :-)

  6. Welcome back from me too. Glad you had a good foodie time.

  7. Nice to see you back and glad you had a great time. The seafood and fish sound so good.

  8. Glad you had a good trip - good to see you back :)

  9. Glad you had a great holiday. Don't really know much about food culture in Canada - other than maple syrup of course. But I do know Montreal is meant to be an interesting city.
