I can't put my finger on what was wrong with this cake, but I didn't really enjoy it. Perhaps there was nothing wrong with it, and it's just my taste buds which weren't satisfied. To me there was strange aftertaste to the cake, but I'm not sure it was because of the pecans or the fresh ginger - perhaps I shouldn't have used the ginger, but it seemed a good flavour combination in my head! On the other hand, the ginger couldn't really be tasted, although I could feel it as a warmth at the back of the mouth. CT didn't realise it was there at all until I told him!

The recipe originates from the Magnolia Bakery cookbook, but I found it
here, on Rolling Pin Tales, complete with a translation to British weights and measurements! The only change I made to the cake batter was to add a large 'thumb' of fresh, grated ginger. I didn't add any frosting at all - just a dusting of icing sugar.
The cake was quite dense and heavy, although the pear chunks kept it moist. The crust of the cake was really hard too, and split during baking, so that the cake rose with a peculiar ridge around the top, as if a lid was being opened up. The hard crust made it difficult to slice the cake neatly as it cracked when a knife was inserted.
I think the cake needed something more than just the pears and pecans, to boost the flavour but perhaps ginger didn't fulfill that need. I have seen versions of this recipe which add lemon zest to the batter, or perhaps some cinnamon would have worked better. I'm not sure this will be a recipe I try again.
If the texture was like that - and I don't see how a knob of ginger could do it - then I suspect the problem is with them and not you!
Oh Suelle, I hate when I bake something I'm not happy with. To be honest, I don't think the addition of the ginger could have turned it so wrong. I've made this cake 3 times and my sister has made it once and every time it's turned out great, with a caramel taste. I almost feel responsible for this but I really don't know what went wrong. Claire x
It wasn't the texture as much as the flavour that I didn't enjoy. I think it was either the aftertaste of the pecans or some peculiar interaction between the pecans and ginger.
Interestingly, I haven't mentioned that I don't like the cake, and neither CT nor Hubs has said anything bad about it - so perhaps it's just me!
Forgot to say - please don't feel guilty, Claire. There are so few recipes around using oil that I would have found this one somewhere else, eventually, even if I'd never found your blog! :)
Sounds like a combo that should have worked, but occasionally I guess we all make things that just don't work for us. I certainly have done...
I know what you mean, I have made a mango, macadamia, banana cake on a number of occasions, each time I hope it will live up to the ingredients, but it never does, last time I threw the recipe away so I wouldn't be tempted again
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